Saturday, April 14, 2012

ASP.Net Interview Question

What is ViewState?

ViewState allows the state of objects (serializable) to be stored in a hidden field on the page. ViewState is transported to the client and back to the server, and is not stored on the server or any other external source. ViewState is used to retain the state of server-side objects between postabacks.

What is ASP.NET 2.0 Page Life Cycle?

Main Events 
1. OnPreInit 
2. OnInit 
3. OnInitComplete 
4. LoadViewState 
5. OnPreLoad 
6. OnLoad 
7. RaisePostBackEvent 
8. OnLoadComplete 
9. OnPreRender 
10. OnPreRenderComplete 
11. SaveViewState 
12. OnRender 
13. OnUnload 

Detailed Events 
1. Constructor 
2. Construct 
3. TestDeviceFilter 
4. AddParsedSubObject 
5. DeterminePostBackMode 
6. OnPreInit 
7. LoadPersonalizationData 
8. InitializeThemes 
9. OnInit 
10. ApplyControlSkin 
11. ApplyPersonalization 
12. OnInitComplete 
13. LoadPageStateFromPersistenceMedium 
14. LoadControlState 
15. LoadViewState 
16. ProcessPostData1 
17. OnPreLoad 
18. OnLoad 
19. ProcessPostData2 
20. RaiseChangedEvents 
21. RaisePostBackEvent 
22. OnLoadComplete 
23. OnPreRender 
24. OnPreRenderComplete 
25. SavePersonalizationData 
26. SaveControlState 
27. SaveViewState 
28. SavePageStateToPersistenceMedium 
29. Render 
30. OnUnload

What is difference between Trace and Debug?

Use Debug class to debug builds 
Use Trace class for both debug and release builds.

Difference between DataSet and DataReader

DataReader is like a forward only recordset. It fetches one row at a time so very less network cost compare to DataSet(Fethces all the rows at a time). DataReader is readonly so we can't do any transaction on them. DataReader will be the best choice where we need to show the data to the user which requires no transaction. As DataReader is forward only so we can't fetch data randomly. .NET Data Providers optimizes the datareader to handle huge amount of data. 

DataSet is an in memory representation of a collection of Database objects including tables of a relational database schemas. 
DataSet is always a bulky object that requires a lot of memory space compare to DataReader. We can say that the DataSet is a small database because it stores the schema and data in the application memory area. DataSet fetches all data from the datasource at a time to its memory area. So we can traverse through the object to get the required data like querying database.

What is custom tag in web.config file?

Custom tag allows you to create your own tag and specify key value pair for it.

[ASP.Net][Interview Question][ASP Interview Question]

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